Thursday, November 30, 2006 . 11:30 PM
i'm slowly fixing myself... yes. baby is working full time now means i can do my own things, wun get stuck half-way anymore and can go as planned for my future...there's so much things out there for me... its a blessing in disguise so i will not walk, but run towards all my goals.... honda tuscani... omg..
i always know what i want... i will try my best to get it...
these few days feeling quite tired... down with flu... hais.... nvm i know that next week would be so wonderful for me... YES...
$$$$$ here i come !
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 . 10:36 PM
yeah! nowadays i'm a more thrifty person... but..... i wan a mac........suppose to finance a mac with the money i sold for my n70 but now.... left not much le... haiss.. so don't think can get it already...
busy and busy with school work lately....
dunno why but i feel that the longer baby and i are together the sweeter i feel... =)
will fight for my future.
Sunday, November 26, 2006 . 12:34 AM
allan what's happening to u... where's all that motivation u had last time for your future? why to u now the future seemed so bleak? did u expected too much? hais.i'm feeling so lost. this whole thing is really affecting me... every night its o fall for me asleep, i kept asking myself why am i doing this... i stared long and hard in the mirror, gosh do i really look that bad? deep inside i know i really can get everything i want but shit now i don't even try.
the worst thing i even forgotten to go for my important driving test. fuucckkk.
i've thought about it, i'm 19 already, yea... i know what i want for the future, and now i cut all my stupid spending habits already.... i'm slowly improving myself but its so tiring... i gave my every last bit of love til i had none for myself and i feel like a zombie now.
i don't even play cs or warcraft now. its just u, my sch and my routine life.
can't u see that i'm improving. and yes i still chiong for my own wheels. i feel so idiotic.
i'm not sad, i just feel very very lost now. sigh...
Sunday, November 19, 2006 . 1:43 PM
i'm still at home.... baby's still sleeping...gonna go pasir ris mrt to sell my n70 later... will miss the good phone...
anyway... today is kinda boring... even though is my birthday i don't feel happy at all.
my heart keeps telling me to do the wrong things. i feel so pathetic.

Today's my birthday.... Yea...
I'm 19 years young.... grew a couple of white hair already...
=) no idea to go where today... ahahaha.
Friday, November 17, 2006 . 8:37 AM
going off to school soon to do my work.... i really need more sleep.... pimples popping out i know nowadays we kept quarreling, but in the end everything just worked out fine... hope that u wun take it to heart for some little stupid things i say...
sorry and i love u.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 . 12:05 AM
wish i had more money to buy a mac....=(
Thursday, November 09, 2006 . 12:07 AM

i know i wun give up on her. i rather be the one crying.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 . 11:15 PM
hais... i'm still feeling quite terrible despite telling myself everything is alright now.i'm really really afraid... my rash is coming again.... so damn itchy!
hais i really never expect anything much. simple things you know u can do de... why everything must i say out. then what's the point of doing it.... hais..
heaven, you're so cruel to me... even if i did something wrong i'm sure that i gave my very best in my relationship...
why is it i feel that i'm in a one-sided relationship....
m y h e a r t b r e a k s

i just wished that i could be with her til the end of time.
nothing else really matters when i'm if her...
how do i make myself feel better ?
Monday, November 06, 2006 . 11:46 PM

anyway we went to play candy machines! the one where u can win candies and toys ! we spent only like $60 and won 3 jackpots! usually we used about $50++ to win a plushie.... yea tts why its so enjoyable... i guess deardear is really happy...=)
going roller blading tomorrow.... baby's school starting on wednesday... hopes she will study hard and love me more!
dunno why these few days got a bad feeling about something... i dun wish to say... dear god please dun make fun of me like this... i hope for the best !
i luurve her very much.
Sunday, November 05, 2006 . 3:35 AM

baby's egg sandwich made my morning wonderful... i was rushing like hell to meet her cuz stupid me woke up late...reached her house but still dunno so tensed up for what.... then she gave me the sandwich... i'm so happy, first bite i told her it was delicious but she dun believe... =(
yea we went to zoo today with sally and weipin...
tiring 4 hrs walk.... honestly zoo is totally boring cuz i just went with baby in april so really nth much to see... but getting to spend time with baby, walking til tired with her, sweating under the stupid hot sun with her, really makes my life more wonderful. those things u can't buy with 1 million dollars, so its better than owning an evo 5 or owning 100 sets of N93...
yea shit i'm so materialistic. but i'm really trying to cut down on what i spend. cuz baby dun like me to keep spending money... hopes she understand.... i really really trying lor... at night take cab home is bo bian cuz really she bu de and wanna pei u more ....
buy phone for u cuz not buy happiness for u, is simply i think its sweet that we both have the same model and its unique, no other couples have the same phone with us...