Thursday, July 27, 2006 . 11:36 AM
i'm so fucking bored at home. i'm charging my ipod, digicam and phone all together.,... FUCK SO BORING.gonna meet baby later but i;m so fucking bored now.
i feel that i'm loving someone too much that i thought i'm unwanted. thats not true.
I WANT A PSP.... psp . psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. wif all my expenses how to save for it ??? zzz ... psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp. psp.
anyway i have a super great life, i spend lotsa money and have a great girlfriend. the only thing that's fucked up is ME. and my room is in a BIG mess.
anyone up for cleaning my room i pay u 5 bucks per hour! ahahahahaha. really. OK BYE. baby and i made wantons yesterday! chicken filling! ahahah... super yummy... i just love to cook with her... then she made mashed potatoes with salmon... =P really mouth-watering ok!
hmmm her sch starts next monday...
pls god let time pass slowly til next sunday, i really just want more time with her before my busy school term starts again and her sch starts too... omg. this feeling sucks.
ok i'm busy taking pictures ... for my school... i still dun understand wad the shit is all about. haisss.
i'm not okay !
and yeah i'm a bloody fucker so what. i chose my gf over a good friend for 5 years. so what.. scold me whatever you want i don't fucking care.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 . 4:30 PM
went to school to hand in my project yesterday, baby tagged along and thenwe went too orchard afterwards... we wanted to catch the movie nacho libre at cineleisure but the movie does not start til 4.15... so we walked aimlessly here and there..ahahaha...the movie was alright.... lamely funny.
ok here are some pics i took yesterday!

guess who won? hehx..
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 . 10:50 AM
ok i gonna start blogging again... cuz i love talking to myself ... and i've remove password access to my blog! ahahah.the past 1 mth plus had been great! although my attendance in school is damn poor. time spent with baby was great.. =)
hmmm can relationship at our age last? or rather can feelings last at this age? i'm thinking about that for quite some time now. yea i'm also afraid seeing some breakups from friends in long time relattionship cuz i dun wan the same thing to happen to me.
i don't understand, if feelings are lost so what. no feelings are forever, i can confirm you will change your handphone everytime cuz u just like another new phone.
so in love, feelings only matter to a small extent. being comfortable with your partner is more important. a 15 year old girl told me this. lol. but its really true. if you're comfortable with your partner even though the feelings is not much there, that is already love. so stick with it!
yea i just spent large chunk of my savings on a proper digi-cam, a 6 mega pixel beauty! ahaha... i bought it cuz baby says its quite good... =) as usual, i take everything she said seriously.
hmmm today gonna take some pics for my homework and edit them to hand in tomorrow. bless this week for me.