Thursday, March 30, 2006 . 10:06 PM
life is changing for the better for me. got into nafa, found a great job, and most of all, i feel that baby is willing to stand by me through thick and thin. =) ... if not sit also can la.. hahaha. =Pgoing to nafa alr, i will surely miss all my friends in tp! esp geri, justin,zhixin... you guys must take care of yourself k. we holiday must come out together to group hug before i leave! wahaha. =( i feel kinda sad to leave them. people in the course are sooo fun but the course is just not for me... oh well...
my job... selling digicams at funan! should be quite shiok. but i think the lady boss abit ti ko la. just got the feeling... heehee.. my pay is private and confidential hor. =D
in love relationships, people often make these mistakes in perfect order... here goes- 1)loss 2)regret 3)cherish......... yesh, after losing your love one liao then regret, regret liao then start to cherish, but its all too late... i dun mean anything, just an advice from me! hahaha. i've grown alot! so you can start trusting me and take my advices. =P
hmmm my love life, is still sweet, gong gong toot toot de... hahas, i really enjoy being with her. baby's three testi totally brightened up my tiring day from work! <333
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 . 1:04 AM
hais. i'm such an idiot. i'm a fucking shit dickass.i made her angry, again....
Sunday, March 26, 2006 . 2:23 AM
i've got really no mood to write anything these few days.well, i may not be the most wonderful guy in the world or best looking one, but i really hope that she will really cherish me.
*sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*
my heart is feeling damn heavy. hais. i can't sleep.
my parents are still holding on to me too tightly. i've changed, just that they didn't know.
i need a hug!!! =(
Friday, March 24, 2006 . 7:13 PM
zzzz.i'm lazy to update.
dear wo ai ni.
she's all that matters.
Sunday, March 19, 2006 . 11:05 AM
hey people.. i just got back from genting last night. the whole trip was really enjoyable. i felt really elated about the whole thing. getting to spend time with my baby, looking at breathetaking views with her, holding hands in the midst of the clouds together.... these memories i'll lock tightly in my heart...i'm confirm going to withdraw my course and going to nafa to study visual comm or fashion design. my whole life is in a big mess right now. i need abit of time to get myself back on track. i know that my life is finally changing for the better, but i need to adjust to it and not make any mistakes again. i finally can do what i really want now. its time for me to really grow up.
i hope and pray that baby would stick with me through this period of time. all i could say is i really love her, i wanna take care of her for the rest of my life. no other girls could make me feel the same way my baby did.
now, i just need to withdraw from my course, go down to nafa to apply for the courses, go to liquidroom for a job interview, earn more money and spend time with my baby. my life doesn't revolves around hers or mine, it revolves around the two of us.
i need to grow up......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 . 8:10 PM
hi guys... i'll be off to genting til saturday... so there wun be any updates til then...

some pics ... haha... frm yesterday...
blogger uploading pic thingy got prob... taken some pics today.. haha.. will try uploading it tmr.. in the mean time . . . . ..
Monday, March 13, 2006 . 8:00 PM
went to chill out with kiat, leon they all last night... at around 3am. lols. talked alot of shits as usual. had a small bottle of red wine! it tasted so good. guys i wanna work at liquid! confirm ur boss will hire me! hahaha... then we can enjoy nightlife together! =D
time is passing so fast. especially this march. i'm with my baby for coming to a month already... this wednesday would be our first month together! =) this wednesday i'm gonna leave for genting with her... haha.. i love her alot. i think we're going abit too slowly.... slow and sweet maybe a good thing but sometimes its kinda boring. *shruggs*
anyway, i'm meeting baby tonight. fetching her from work again. i'm always fetching her from work! haha... no choice, she's always working and i don't get to see her very much. i really wanna see her and be by her side...
still feeling kinda bottled up now. yikes. argggghhhhhh. i can't wait for wednesday! in the mean time.... wahahahaha. gonna do something. its a secret. til wednesday if i got time to update then tell u guys. =)
dear buddha bless me. give me power to study for my cmath1. haha. i need more motivation to go on. i just need to see more to go on. i'm so tired. sighzzz. i feel so.
Sunday, March 12, 2006 . 1:07 PM
went to meet edwin in the afternoon to slack in the void deck... what to do, we're typical singaporeans who got so limited places to go. so many hdb flats, no place slack so void deck makes a cool chillout place. haha.went to meet andrew afterwards. accompanied him to town to shop. i bought a coat, very nice material from far east, he bought one too. then we headed over to balcony at heeren for a drink. shared a jug of vodka with gin tonic. had tortilla chips too. yummy! =P
rushed to tampines to meet my baby afterwards. my head was feeling so heavy. felt so tired. i always feel so happy when i get to see my baby. i love holding her hands. went to nearby pasar malam to grab some snacks and i sent her home... i felt that the bus always go too fast. how i wish to have more time with her.... (>_<)
on the way home, i suddenly felt so depressed. alot of things has been bothering me lately, i chose to ignore. but suddenly i felt so pressurized. as if all the things that are bothering me came to my head all at once. that point i kinda felt tired of living. last night i had the worst time sleeping. i can't sleep. i laid in bed, with a heavy headache and a heavy heart. felt so painful, felt i need a hug. luckily fatigue got the better of me and still i fell asleep...
Friday, March 10, 2006 . 1:54 AM
i'm an idiotic guy who chose to love my girl 101%.i'm a stupid guy who believes that love is the most important thing on earth.
i'm a nutcase who will do anything for my girl.
i behaves like a clown, always putting on my smiles even when i'm sad.
i'm easily contented, i feel so happy just to hold her hands and to spend time with her.
i'm always confused, sometimes the past comes to haunt me.
i'm simple, i just wanna be loved and be happy.
i think that the most wonderful thing on earth is her smiles.
i'm just me, loving her more and more each day.
Thursday, March 09, 2006 . 12:18 PM
yesh... i'm feeling better already... no more vomitting and diarrhoea. now just having a slight fever. last night was damn cold... i felt so freezy that i had to wear a sweater to sleep. sorry geri and justin couldn't play dota with you last night cuz i really don't have the mood.i ought to go out later to breathe some fresh air... i'm staying in my room most of the time. omg i looked so pale. haha, sometimes i think fever is good... can help to lose weight. i'm still stuck at 58.. dunno when can i go down to 55... sigh...
what i need now is to have a puff and to see my baby. i superly duperly miss her!!! no matter what i must go fetch her from work tonight! yea... haha... i think i would feel even better if i get to see her...
i'm feeling abit giddy now, gonna lie down for a while... bye!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006 . 9:55 PM
hey guys, if you know geraldine please feel free to visit her blog... click here!i feel so sick, now the feeling has worsen, i slept the whole day and i woke up just now to find myself having fever. i really wanna fetch my baby from work but i think if i go out i might just faint anytime. my throat is aching badly from the numerous times i vomitted. sigh..
i miss my baby badly!!! arggghhhhhh............... i woke up this morning feeling very sick. i felt like vomiting and my stomach kept churning painfully. and yes, i fucking vomitted 5 times so far and had diarrhoea about 6 times so far.. confirm more to come... i still feel like vomiting and my stomach is still hurting.
i think is the fucking chao chee bye billy bombers i had with geri last night. i ate the fucking oatmeal fish'n'chips set... then now cb kena all this shit. suppose to go for my secondary school class chalet today, now walk also no strength. how to go? fuck man. dunno why but i vomit till my legs turned soft. knn confirm is food poisoning.
didn't eat anything since i woke up. drank milo just now already vomit out le. KNNCB! i think best is to go smoke liao. can't vomit out smoke right. haissss. i this kinda state how to meet my baby at night..
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 . 4:37 AM
u came into my life,
on that valentine's day night.
the stars that shone so bright,
just like the sparkles in ur eyes.
pocky tasted so bad,
without u sharing them with me,
sorry on the bus i made u mad,
in my heart we're so meant to be.
i love that sweetness in your smiles,
melts my heart even if its just a while.
i noe i could never find another just like u,
for i noe my feelings for u are true.
to be with u forever would be my dying wish,
to me that is eternal bliss.
if by chance today were to be my last,
noe my heart is urs, forget about the past.
i'm wishing for ur hugs,
waiting for ur kisses,
every second of my days,
its u my baby whom i really misses.
to hold my pinky with ur little one,
is sort of a promise i made in my heart.
to love u true n to make u happy,
pls miss me more than ur best fren sally! =P
babybaby ur the one,
u can make the bus rides fun,
ur smiles surely brighten up the sun,
just few more days to our lovely first month.
these words that i say are really true,
baby u know how much i love u.
what we have is because of a beautiful start,
there is nothing in the world that can tear us apart.
Monday, March 06, 2006 . 11:59 AM
yea! went out with deardear today... we went to bugis to shop around and took neoprints...hahas...then walked all the way to plaza singapura... lols, i led the way and we got lost! =P luckily still managed to find our way there and we hung out at ps til the night then walked to far east to catch a bus home...a terrible thing happened on the bus ride... i acted like an idiot..hais.. i really feel bad and disappointed at myself. well at least i know and i'll learn from it.
oh well.... baby is working straight til friday... gonna fetch her from work tomorrow...
hais sometimes i really think i ought to change. i'm there half-way, i shouldn't be forgetting about it. morning people! thanks for 'kaypoing' bout my life... i'll buy candies for my readers! hahas. 1 super lemon for each... =P
meeting my baby today... we gonna go out for the whole day! yeshhh! that's why i'm so happy! she coming to my house later to upload some pictures from her camera to my laptop... a bad thing happened last night. i fell asleep while talking to baby on the phone! lols. so paiseh... lucky for me she didn't get too upset... >_<
anyone with job lobangs tell me k! any job also can... sweep floor clean toilet also can! hahaha.. that one must 1hr 10 bucks then i do...
ehh... ok bye! =D
Sunday, March 05, 2006 . 11:59 AM
i went to had lunch with andrew before going to his house to take some pictures... hahas... poor andrew, just finished his 'bmt' so now is bald! =) anyway pictures taken were myself only... =P

yay i'm so proud, i look so freaking gay! hahahaha!
went to fetch baby from work later in the night. met her 'brother', at the mrt's platform to slack at chit chat. she gave her 'brother' a vibrating spongebob.... lols. i think it was darn cute... =D
i bought baby a v.westwood lookalike necklace... don't think singapore got sell real v.westwood stuff right? jocelyn please enlighten me on this! haha... anyway hers is with pinkish diamonds and mine is just with normal transparent diamonds... i slipped something into her wallet while she went home to take the spongebob for her bro... ^^
sometimes baby would send me sweet text messages. though its only text but it's enough to melt my heart. in love i don't expect anything in return or whatever, just as long as she really loves me...
i've found my one. i want this relationship to go far... really want to. (o_o ) omg its early in the morning... my whole family went for yoga lessons. i'm all alone at home with nothing to eat... i'm lazy to go out just for breakfast. fucking boring man! don't know where to go today, i don't wanna stay at home again like yesterday.
i'm hungry...
du zhi er...
i'm hungry...
gosh, a pretty sunday today and it's so boring. but i'm looking forward to meet baby later in the night! yeesshhhh. sending her home. for me every seconds that i get to spend with her counts. cuz for that every second, i really feel like i'm the happiest guy in the world...
who wanna go out later... or anyone feels like hanging out, sms me or something yea.... thanks.
Saturday, March 04, 2006 . 1:33 AM
i don't know why but sorry isn't the hardest words to say. saying i love you to someone you really cherish are the hardest words for me. saying as in mouth to mouth, not sms or msn or whatever shit. yeah....thinking of saying it is so easy. in my mind i told myself '3 words only la... knn die die must say'.. in the end when the time comes for me to say, the words really got stuck in my mouth. sigh. i'm a fucking loser. >_<
well, hope that my actions really show how much she means to me... i'm having this strange feeling i love her more and more each passing day...
argggh!!! i miss her... right now. every minute ever second, can't get her outta my head.
siying, i <3 u .... YES. i feel so good!! hahas. finally jammed with my old band mates again. played at the lousy "lock cock" studio at simei with daryl and leon. couldn't contact jeremy...zzzz missing again. i think if wanna find jeremy must report him as missing to police then easier to find. =X
anyway jamming was really great! just that the studio is still fucking lousy and the bass amplifier sounds awful. we played 'give me novacaine, holiday, boulevard of broken dreams..', all by greenday! lols. somehow i feel good to keep myself updated on their lives too. daryl .... u ... *ahem* *ahem* ... xaxnx ... =D pooowwwwweeeerrrr!!
after leon left for work, i made something for my baby...secret.. hahas... then i went her house downstairs for sushi! lols. my baby's cooking are so yummy yummy! oiishi ne... ^^
baby, thanks for the sushis... wahh first was cookies, then chocolate, now sushi!!! hahas.. wo hao xin fu o... not meeting her tomorrow... =( hope can send her home from her work on sunday then...
anyway thanks for visiting my blog to 'kaypo' about my life... this shows you got think about me... *shy* lols! good night! hahahahaha!!!
Friday, March 03, 2006 . 12:12 PM
hi guys... had a new layout from ... hahas..gonna meet her later to borrow her my dad's sushi roller...
renewing my passport later...
cleaning up my room later...
will be back to write more! ^_^
Thursday, March 02, 2006 . 12:33 AM
yay finally get to meet her... went to town today with her best friend,sally. first i accompanied them both to pluck eyebrows.. hehe... very nice.. now they have brown eyebrows! then they went to cut hair at redkens? its the salon at "levelone" far east. my deardear looks sooo cute after the haircut... errrr though not much difference on the hair... but she looks cuter... lols.we then walked all the way to heeren's to shop at fourskins. they're having a 70% storewide discount! i bought a t-shirt and a belt. after that we went to pasta mania at cineleisure for lunch. then i went to wash and blow my hair. lols..
went to kino to buy magazine.... yay i finally got the bape tote bag! =D sally went to meet her boyfriend afterwards...
went to buy neutrogena fine fairness at watson's. guess what, i saved like 20 bucks because the kind indian auntie forgotten to key in the neutrogena thingy. hahaha! she was concentrating too much on chocolate that i bought... heehee.. guess why? lols.
deardear and i caught a movie, fd3 at cineleisure. that movie was totally gross. highly recommended to watch it while eating! haha..
yesh! meeting baby again tomorrow! every second i spent with her, i felt so happy, so complete.
hmmm, i should exercise some self control to talk less nonsense. >_<
hhuuummmkkaaaaaallllliiinnngggg.... yay lmf rocks rocks. ^^