Tuesday, February 28, 2006 . 11:39 AM
tomorrow will be the last day of work at the restaurant. edwin found me a new job that pays $8/hr doing business analysis! ahahaha! imagine me analysing business. lols.. . . . . . . . . .
thanks edwin!!!
. . . . . . . . . .
yay i finally get to meet her tomorrow for a movie... i miss her. really really do.
saito just imformed me asking me to go to a gothic event. my friend's band "megalomania" is playing. the event is on thursday night starting 9pm at club "home" at boat quay. really feel like going... >_<
that's all for today folks! i'm working at three later. zzzz bye!!~~~
Sunday, February 26, 2006 . 1:53 AM
help! i can't sleep. shits. i'm gonna have lotsa ugly pimples tomorrow morning.i can't stop thinking of deardear right now.
a short one for my baby:
if at this moment i could see forever
it would be you and i forever together
i would wish it upon the stars this night
wishing it true, so in the end it's right
and as I dream, dream the visions of forever
i can see one thing not happening while together
you will never be hurt so deep down inside
i will never do anyting to make you cry
forever is loving you as long as you're mine
forever is a long time but never dies. . . . . . sad to hear that my workplace is closing for a 3 months renovation at 1st of march. i'll be out of job but i think i gonna work at "munchy donuts"! haha.. cute right, the donuts are munchy.. yummy! =P
i'm saving hard for my genting trip with baby... i must remember to bring a huge tube of toothpaste! keep my teeth clean... -___-''' =D
i wanna get the tote bag from the bape magazine! argggh. popular doesn't sell it. lols. i'm so stupid enough to go to popular to search for it. =X
i met my baby in the morning to send her to work and met her just now after work. though time spent with her isn't much but i still feel happy to get to see her despite our busy schedules. my feelings for her grew stronger everyday... <3 <3 <3 i'm sooooo happily in love! hahas.
gonna work work work til wednesday before i finally can rest. my hands are tired, legs are aching. damned. my dad just nagged at me... hahaha. so cute. lols. like a non-stop speaker.
la la la~ nites and sweet dreams !
Friday, February 24, 2006 . 12:50 AM
click here.
*out of topic1*- nyp produces future porn-stars?!! lols. dirty hilarious scandal... haha. geez..
*out of topic2*- i'm gonna be very broke. i need money! hheellp!
Thursday, February 23, 2006 . 3:20 PM
i have one thing to tell you guys!i think my dad keeps peeping at my blog. i don't mean that he cannot visit my blog but i should have some privacy in my life. 3 days later i'm gonna put a password access to my blog. those regulars please pm me on msn for the password. thanks!
halo =D
deardear loves to eat chilli... eeee... she finished 10 packets of bk chilli sauce with half-packet of large fries. omg! siiao de..
any gays please add me to msn at lee_justin@hotmail.com i would love to be friends with you.
deardear just cleaned her room today.[halfway] her dogs are so noisy!!!! >_<
i'm happily in love ok bye.
Friday, February 17, 2006 . 12:49 PM

the lil' box with candies!

she made chocolates for me!

inside the above, with her name engraved on it! =P
baby, you're the star of my heart!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 . 12:03 PM
i had the sweetest valentine's ever... i'm so touched that she made something for me. its one of a kind and that money can't buy.we went hanging around marina square area cuz going to town is stupidly boring. hahas. caught "fun with dick and jane" at gv. it was so hilarious. then we went to esplanade library! it is a really amazing place with spectacular view of the city. we had tiramisu and curry puff at the cafe. she thinks espresso is cute! hahas... after that we went to esplanade's roof-top to "see see look look".. then we went to have fondue at haagen dasz and i send her home and ..................................
the moments we share i'll make it the sweetest! =P
Saturday, February 11, 2006 . 5:04 PM

hi people! sup sup...
my goals for this coming week, which is my study week, is to start my revision! lols. yay my mum and sister are going to china and i'll have to start making a list of what i want them to buy for me... hahas.
tuesday is valentine's day. sweeet! i'm still planning .... thinking of where to spend time with her. well i think that where we going is not important, most importantly is i get to be with her on that day. that's enough for me... =P
我闭上眼睛 还能看见你...
Thursday, February 09, 2006 . 9:47 PM
join the dots.... ahaha!hmmm, who is my valentine? la la la !
she have not agree yet... still waiting... >_<
zoooooooooooo woooooohoooooo.... maybe only.
right now, rushing iiso and nmm like crazy. 2 presentation tomorrow, full suit with blazer and tie. lols. crappy. then have to rush to work. i'll die from fatigue!
ok good night people! thanks for reading. bye!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006 . 9:36 PM
i think i'm gonna withdraw from my stupid course soon. my dad has given me the green light and i'm deciding what to study now. most likely fsv(film sound video) at ngee ann poly... omg i wasted one year... fucking shit. i'll do my best for the interview.so many things lingering around my mind. i don't know what i want. i'm not sure. everything seemed perfect to me when it is actually not.
i didn't think i would change until like this. maybe the new me is just not good. argghhhh!
well i'm cherishing what i'm having right now, all my friends, all the people around me, all the time i spent, i'm cherishing every moment of it.
ac/dc rocks! you guys should start listening to it! heh heh...
s.y, lets watch the stars together someday...
ok bye.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 . 1:11 AM
i hate maths! forever hating it! fuck fuck fuck maths. fucking computer maths driving me nuts!must study hard! yeah!
and erm... i can't stop thinking of her .... omg ... =P
Sunday, February 05, 2006 . 12:44 AM
hmmm, what should i say?my heart is jumping with joy now cuz i'll be meeting her tomorrow night! for now and time to come, its all about her... she's out of this world! believe me.. lols.
today is the 12th day i know her... that feeling grew stronger everyday. while i was staring at the sky and smoking this afternoon during work, an image of her face formed in the clouds! hahas.. just can't get her outta my head...
i feel safe to write here cuz i don't think she visits my blog anyway... lols...
lurve all my friends!
i'm on a mission to space to pluck a star ...
Friday, February 03, 2006 . 12:05 PM

went to watch memoirs of geisha with siying last night ... it was great! i think the movie is really nice ... i'll rate it 4/5 ***** ... lols.
well, i feel really happy when i'm with her. everytime when i'm with her, i need cpr, cuz she keeps taking my breath away ...
Thursday, February 02, 2006 . 1:46 PM
i don't know what to do. it's hard to say in words.chinese new year is great!
gonna watch movie with si ying today... geisha! woohoo...
gonna buy a sweater and dye my hair next week.
school is boring.
god pls give me more confidence and shower me with more money. thanks and amen.