Wednesday, November 30, 2005 . 10:43 PM
the way time passed so quickly had left me breathless. maybe i had been playing too much computer games to realise that i left so many things undone. i decided to take a break from dota(warcraft3) until the weekends. lol. not much difference but it may help to lessen my addiction to it.yesterday wad a really fucked-up day. i rushed through 4 essays about business plans in 3 hours. i hate myself for not paying enough attention in classes as i didn't know yesterday was the deadline for those essays.
apart from school, i have another heavy commitment. yes, music. since my guitarist is leaving for australia soon, we have to rush to complete 2 originals... oh man! that suck. i'm so poor now i can't even afford to pay my jamming fees. no kidding. anyone willing to spare me ciggies please feel free ya? lol.
i love a hongkong hardcore band, kinglychee now! they fucking rockass! if you want to hear their songs or see their videos please go to do check it out!
just came back from steamboat dinner with my gal's family. so not worth it. stupid food and so over-priced. it's in bugis. i think that the marina south's steamboat is way better. darn tired now, haven't been getting sufficient sleep for the past few days. having stupid sudden diarrhoea since monday. "watery shit", get what i mean?
i have a shit life, fucked up parents, stupid school and boring routine. the only good thing is myself. hahaha! i love me and no one else!
fuck off fuck off please.............................................................
Saturday, November 26, 2005 . 5:31 PM
i'm too busy to blog nowadays. i'll be even busier next week. stupid gatsby wax made me lose so much hair. my hair feels so thin now. lol! i feel so bald. haha. gonna attend a preaching session with my friends tomorrow at lavender. matthew and i were talking about blink182 yesterday during class and how much we missed them! they're definitely one of the greatest punk rock bands ever existed! let me pay a lil' tribute to them by sharing this few videos ...(note: it takes a while to load. continue surfing porn first.)
Sunday, November 20, 2005 . 8:15 PM
hey everyone... yesterday was my birthday! haha! did nothing much, hung around orchard with my gal and had dinner with my family afterwards. my gal got me a perfumei wanted, burberry weekend for men! how sweet... ^_^anyway, do check out my band's myspace-->
thanks a zillion!
hmmm.. gonna get my gal's birthday present tomorrow... it falls on this coming tuesday..
i'm using motorola e398 now... it rocks! not expensive but produce mass audio pleasure! >_<
i'm still thinking how to refurnish my room abit. suppose to tidy up today but i spent too much time on the net browsing sites about "fengshui"... hee hee...
i need some hentaiiiii !!!! *perverted giggles*
Thursday, November 17, 2005 . 5:01 PM
kelton seemed really sad today, so i called him and ask how is he... he replied he was enjoying his chicken rice. lol.jiro called soon after. he ask me not to leave the band. he said that he met a big producer which holds event like chingay and something... he also said that tera had opened his $4k studio. wow fucking rich guy!
so, they had the original recorded and best of all mark became our manager!? hey mark do we have to pay you? cuz i can't afford it. jiro mentioned that everything is going on well with the producer. we need at least 5 original before the "big" label can sign us. what the hell man. half of the time i don't even understand what are you talking about... what "a label under government" and "chingay's producer"...
hmmm. after 2 minutes of thinking, i think that my band is gonna play in this year's chingay, praising the good and wonders of our government. after all, chingay is an international event. lol.
yay mark is gonna make us famous! but i was thinking why the fuck he didn't give such good "lobang" to nika's band instead. woooo, maybe we're kids. we can live a decade under the influence.
kaori, if kelton craves for your attention just give it to him! c'mon man have more patience with people. he's only 15! i really don't wish to see you spanking your own kids in the future just because he or she wants to suck a lollipop... boohoo! >_<
jiro, you should quit the band and join the united nations to be a peace ambassador. lol. you'll earn big bucks! hahaha~
Saturday, November 12, 2005 . 7:05 PM
covering two simple songs, "cute without the e" by taking back sunday and "always" by blink182. i dare say music is more addictive than cigarettes. i simply can't quit playing! i love playing music whole-heartedly! haha...
i'm starting my own indie(independent,"indie for short") label to support my own band first. i still have not brain storm on the details yet as i'm currently busy with my projects and busy playing dota. >_<
2) is the only authorised music distributor of the band unless some agreements otherwise.
3) try and hook up with event organisers and magazines to promote the band.
4) help to sell other band tees or cds, cutting a profit from that.
5) videos and mp3s of bands are important portfolios to indie labels.
6) is the only authorised company to sell the band's merchandise unless otherwise agreed.
by the way... i've design some graphics for my indie label! take a look at one...

lazy records!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 . 9:54 PM
woooo! i realised alot of things today. friends are friends. band mates are band mates. cannot be clashed. hence, from today onwards since i'm in a band i'll not care so much things and just drum only because they need my service. i shall not care or be bothered whether we're behind schedule or anything else since i'm a drummer and not any shits. yeah.well i kinda miss jamming with my old buddies. the ones who rode through thick and thin with me. the ones who didn't screw me when i was already down. i believe we're jamming soon bros. miss moshing and puffing with you guys. it's been ages and i can't believe that you guys were acting just like last time when i called you guys up! we never ever got serious in the studio but we definitely had fun right! i really miss the times... haha. oh well, life is going good for me now!
gonna have some fun again! *mosh mosh mosh*
hmmm, now that the timetable of my classmates is different from each other, hope i can still hang around with them.
my friends are made to last forever. some "friends" just aren't. that's why i'm slowly shutting them out.
i seen the colours.
i smelt fear.
i taste my misery.
i hear evil laughters.
but... i'm feeling elated again! ready to rock n' roll, like long time ago.
****it was the best days of my life**** <- dedicated to leon, daryl and jeremy.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 . 11:51 PM
i realise its not about the music nor about being rich.i miss us slacking at coffee-shops after jams.
i miss us screwing up each other.
i miss us "stenging" ciggies.
let's do it soon again.
lets have fun.
Monday, November 07, 2005 . 9:09 PM
my second semester at poly started today. it felt really good seeing my friends again after a long break. my timetable was packed. i skipped a lecture to have lunch with kenneth because he was all alone. all our timetables were different from each other. omg! i'm okay with my timetable but i'm not okay with having lessons with strangers instead of my classmates! >_<the new foodcourt in my school had opened. damn fucking crowded. people from other schools came all the way to eat in air-conditioning... losers. i had chicken rice and ice kacang. yummy!
went to jean yip to get my hair done. it is so freaking short right now! ugly or not, i totally love it! no more long fringes to obstruct my view! spent $24.90 for a wash and cut... quite cheap i think.
that's all folks. more to come tomorrow! school rocks. heh heh!
Saturday, November 05, 2005 . 1:34 AM
i went back to school today for my timetable and a stupid briefing about my coming semester. totally lame and pointless! wasting my time... before that i had black pepper steak with justin! yummy!after school i went to meet my gal for swensens. sinful indulgence of food! omg.
went to mark's house after that... with geri,jiro,helena and my dear tera! >_<
drank sapphire on rocks. mark's treat. haha. taste like papaya juice, abit on the sweetie bittie side....
gonna jam at 5.30pm tomorrow to finish up our original. yay.
god bless my band to rock hard tomorrow!
Thursday, November 03, 2005 . 12:24 PM
going out soon.gonnna clean up my room now.
gonna jam at 4pm today.
having problems with my baby zodiac.
need to rma it.
waste of my time.
la ~ la ~ la.
flight plan(movie) really rocks.
it's about hijacking plane.
bye bye. she doesn't understands
she doesn't appreciates
she doesn't give a damn
about how i feel
she never ever try
putting herself in my shoes
she never gave me what i wanted
but i have to give her my all
she isn't proud of me
never never ever will. hope you enjoy those photos from halloween. there is more photos of more people but i'm lazy to put it up. >_<
i'm lazy to blog too. jamming tomorrow! yay!
definitely gonna complete originals soon. jiro roped in a new guitarist as the old one suffered from severe depression. =P
school starts next monday! can't wait!
my lips is so swollen from the piercing!
god bless me tomorrow.

pic1- geri, jiro, kelton and me
pic2- undead princess, helena
pic3- bloody maiden, kaori
pic4- living dead couples, kelton n kaori
pic5- dearest jiro and me
pic6- me