Thursday, September 29, 2005 . 11:06 PM
lol just finish reading rockson's shits. laughing my ass off his spits. that guy's a fucking political genius! heehee... remember to nominate him for presidency in 2009 when the current one dies. sweet to see that many people have started blogging! more cool nonsense shits to read! look at my links to other blogs on the right! it's overflowing... just recieved the news today from geri that i'll be having my cmath re-exam next monday. omg. that's so soon! i thought that we were suppose to have one week to revise the modules we failed? fucking hell. i think all the lecturers fucking lazy and wanna get over with our sub-paper exams quickly. lazy bastards! if i fail my sub-paper and have to retake the module i'll put a black magic curse on them! make sure the males have one extra two testicles and females have extra three nipples! shit i got no time to study. working on saturday and sunday. fuck it.well well, october is coming so is halloween! woo hoo! i'll make sure i'll celebrate this year's halloween! who wanna dress up as a freak and maybe roam around the streets or go drinking with me can start emailing me or smsing me now! tag at the my board too! we'll have loads of fun trick or treating strangers around town or kick their asses making them chase us while we run away.. heehee...
halloween, halloween,
when are you coming?
halloween, halloween,
all the fun it seems.
halloween, halloween,
death bells are ringing.
halloween, halloween,
vampies bats are singing.
halloween, halloween,
today's freaking boring.
halloween, halloween,
so when are you coming...
this poem is a fucking copyright that i made then minutes ago! those copy pasters i know their dads' got three pink hairy nipples and their mums' got one fat dick with three testicles! so feel free to invade my copyrights! heehee... >_<

humans don't like one another to talk behind their back and when we scold them in face they will get fucked up so we write about it to vent some shitass anger on our blogs so why the fucking big fuss about such matter? knnbccb. teachers brains are getting more and more screwed up now! sick perverted minds of theirs like to punish people! maybe they even have bondage sex and whip their spouse at home! who knows?
the real fucking bullies in schools are the fucking shitard teachers! fart from their mouth! >_<
poor students of s'pore, got no rights or what so ever. cannot express their views or opinions freely. no freedom of speech. our society is falling down! god save our schools! it's in a fucking big mess! fuck schools and fuck those teachers with sick minds for now! if my good friend criticise me, so what? he got the rights to do it! so why can't a student criticise a teacher on thier blogs? think about it. came back from work today and i felt like vomitting. damn! maybe i ate too much food. i'm so freaking hungry, i can't help it! heehee... well i think i'll just get a useable mp3 player as if i use my pay to get an ipod, 90% of it will be gone and i'll have nothing to spend on! i still want my m'industries shorts and rolemodel tees. hmmm, that's so much things i wanna buy! never really go and shop for donkey long years time already!
arrrggghhhh... 5th october please come soon! i can't wait anymore! i need $$$$!!!! will update on my wishlist soon! more items! =) yay i'm getting my black lipstick soon i hope! heehee... ^^ hey guys, thanks for visiting my blog shop. very crappy but i think its a good way to sell things. i'll set up an yahoo auction and an ebay account to sell my stuff too. if you guys got anything that you want me to help you sell feel free to email me the details about the item and most importantly the pictures of the item. there's a catch of 10% i'll absorb from the selling price from you but 10% is nuts compared to other places! i'll post your item for sale on yahoo, ebay and my blog shop. any other places to advertise on your item are welcomed too if you suggest them to me. we'll discuss the details when you have contacted me.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 . 1:09 AM
check out my blog shop at! =)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 . 4:04 PM
*..just any mp3 player that wun spoil after i use it*..os xphone ll or llm
*..double bass pedals rebounder
*..double bass pedals
*..adidas 35th anniversary ilovetokyo shoes
* lipstick
*..2 rolemodel m black tees
*..2 macbeth m black tees
*..gameboy micro
*..heineken coaster
*..40gb or 80gb portable hdd
* mini optical mouse
*..nightmare before christmas dvd
*..m'industries shorts
*..mana's esp picks
*..purple blue hair
*..missha black nail polish and eyeliner
*..garnier pure a skin moisturiser
*..garnier light whitening cream
that's it for now... hahaha... just some aims to remind myself to work hard. boring... working later from 6 to 10, going out soon. oh man i'm working so hard just to buy an mp3 player, so fucking lame when i think of it. lol. i found out that many of my primary school mates still exist! hahaha. that includes choonyang, russell, zhenning, collette, xueli ! found their blog and happy to see that they still thrive on this fucking world. hahaha. will catch up with them real soon!
my mana obsession has not ended! look how gorgeous is she... oops i mean he...
mana ... my only gothic lolita idol! i worship her now and then... hahaha! i have a fetish for gothic chic. >_<
Monday, September 26, 2005 . 10:11 PM
having a dilemma, wondering whether to get zen micro or ipod mini... hee hee. can't wait for my pay day... thinking about it every minute... hahaha!tell me more about ipod and zen micro leh... thanks!
Sunday, September 25, 2005 . 12:36 AM

he lost his brains ... i'm helping him to find it... i'm so fucking tired... didn't bothered to write past two days as i'm really so freaking tired. my waitering job is so labour intensive! however i'm still enjoying every moment of it as i'm learning as i work. lol. its like studying in shatec. hahaha. really hands-on experience! i'm thinking of opening a restaurant next time... nude theme, where all waiters and waitresses will be nude serving you! lol. sure got business! hahaha.
anyway i heard from my friend about such thing call ipod mini 2nd generation, battery life last much much longer than the 1st generation mini, hence i intend to strike zen neeon off my shopping and get the ipod instead. i hate silver...cold-hearted, dislike green...hate trees and loathe blue...boring color, hence pink or i would call it neon purple would be very much suitable for me! hehehe... finally made up my mind! i'll definitely go get my ipod mini the first thing i get my pay!
my exams results came out... i failed one! expected as i didn't work on it. cmath, damn fucking ass pain boring!!! gonna have to take the sub-paper soon, not sure when is it. omg. dammit!
i'm a coffee addict now, need three shots of espresso every morning, without sugar! very hardcore, three shot in one cup! lol. i like robbie william's song now, got influenced by the restaurant's music. lol. the lyrics are really meaningful...
ok nothing much to tell you. please fuck off and die soon! lol. touch wood!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 . 11:45 PM
since my previous brain splattering action picture of a terrorist recieved some really great feedback, here's another one for you to enjoy. try to eat something while concentrating on it, it'll make you high! i promise !!!!! lol.
well i guess my band will not be jamming for a period of time as most of them are having their final year exams so i'll try not to think about jamming as it will stress me out. lol. i'll be working really long hours from now on, 11 hours a day, non-stop working action. concentrating to buy my zen neeon right now and working long hours can really take my mind off music, which is my biggest addiction and the only addiction i can't get rid off. haha. i'll start working with daryl, my ex bandmate from tomorrow onwards...ooh it will be so much fun!
tomorrow the restaurant is having a dinner for mediacorp. heard from my boss that mediacorp is changing its chairperson and the dinner is a farewell dinner for the going one. poor thing! hope to see my fiona xie and her boobies... >_<
update on my dieting- omg my weight stays the same at 60. will it ever go down... fucking shit. i ate kfc and lotsa swensen ice-cream mooncakes today, no wonder my weight always stay the same. dammit. my freaking workplace kept on feeding me high fat food!! i need to be rescued from sugar and oil! help! i just fell in love with beef yesterday... hahaha!
to round up, i'll not care about music for the time being till i get my zen neeon and will be working like a fucking mad cow these two weeks. wahahahaha! reason why i wouldn't use a normal mp3 player is that i had used them before and it always fail me. people's mp3 player will not spoil but mine sure spoil few days after i used it. there's once when i just exchanged for a brand new one and it failed me on the left earphone after only 2 hours! fuckingfuckshit. very tired of lousy brand mp3 player hence decide to put my faith on a branded one. ipods suck on battery life hence i will not get that. hee hee.
will take some pictures of my working place soon. omg, i hate my working polo tee! its oversized! damn.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 . 11:47 PM

hahaha! did the picture made you puke? awww man... look at his brain splattering out across the floor! be a terrorist and this is what you will end up like... nothing much to say here... just that lunch i had beef noodles and dinner i had beef spaggetti. lol! its a cow's day... well my ex-band mate daryl is going to work with me in the restaurant. finally someone to help me carry those heavy shits! i'm always the only waiter in the whole restaurant during the night! fucking shitly busy... fuckingly fucking fuck tired but fortunately tomrrow's my off day! yay! looking forward to work with daryl on thursday...
Monday, September 19, 2005 . 10:13 PM
just came back from work. omg it was hell during the day. moving stuff here and there, i could feel my arms breaking loose now. tomorrow is another day to survive through and it will be my off day! yeah! i'm quite surprise the food they give to the staff there. for lunch i had chicken chop and dinner i had black pepper chicken rice. i think that they're feeling guilty that they made me work so hard hence gave me good food! to jiro and kaori, please tell me when are you guys jamming as i will not have time to go online often now. i'm fully booked til friday... just sms me the time and date that when you guys gonna jam ok! thanks!
for those fuckers looking for jobs contact me. workplace is at aranda country club restaurant at downtown east, pasir ris. pay is $5 per hour. the restaurant is fucking short-handed. fucking shitass. no wonder i'm so tired... =(

was a hard-earned $50. omg. i actually survived through it. i think it's worse than running an 18km marathon. lol. good luck nika for your marathon training! work hard! lol. i bet i could easily lose a few kilos on this job. lol.
Saturday, September 17, 2005 . 11:46 PM
i'm just wasting my time and life away. was suppose to jam with my band today but the guitarist cannot make it. damn it. we can't jam without a guitarist.. hence did not continue without him. went to genki sushi to interview for a job yesterday. nothing much happened.i rotted away with my friends today. omg, freaking boring time i'm having right now.
on my way home on the train, i saw a staring incident between a skinhead and a chinese. the skinhead accused the chinese of staring at him, then the skinhead shouted vulgarites at the chinese and the chinese scolded some shit back to him. both got so angry that they wanted to fight but luckily the friend of the skinhead held him back. the train stopped and the chinese got off, demanding the skinhead to settle the problem outside. but the skinhead insulted the chinese, "puki blar blar, fucking cheena, no balls to fight ar!" the chinese who is outside the train, made some stupid rude gestures at the skinhead and that sent the skinhead fuming. he started speaking loudly and continue to diss at the chinese while his friend was busily persuading him to cool down. i don't understand malay but the skinhead kept saying things about "cheena", hence the chinese race. i can't believe it that he is insulting other races in the middle of a train. so many people were looking at him. i think that he's an absolute asshole and he made a fool of himself. i'm not criticising about his ill mannered behaviour but his insults to the chinese. he could use other words like "the man, that fucker, etc" but he didn't. he chose "cheena". what an idiot.
Thursday, September 15, 2005 . 8:20 PM

saturday is coming! looking forward to it! going jaaaaaammmmmiiiiiiiinnnnggg again! lol. it's the only thing that i do that can cheer me up, besides playing dota. anyone wanna play battlenet on that pirated warcraft3 of yours can email me for the file. most willing to help. feel like smoking now... anyone got cigerettes to share? hey glo, i'm really glad and surprise to see a spanish so interested in jrock. wondering how big is the jrock lovers community over at yor side. well you really wanted to see mana from malice mizer without make-up(he's a man). reason why i did not want to email you the picture as i want to share with everyone else too. my apologies, hope you dont mind.

get this straight, mana is a straight guy, meaning that he only likes girls and not guys. to maintain his image, he still wear skirts even off the stage. you can't complain about his looks as when he dressed visually, he is so much cuter and prettier than most of your girlfriends! refer to pic1. lol. bottomline, cross dressing isn't a big matter. so stop being childish and freak out when you see a shemale or tranny hanging out around town. fuck you all "narrow minders"!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 . 2:50 PM

you can see how desperate i am for a job. i stay in the east but i really don't mind travelling all the fucking long way to yishun to work in a pet shop. so if you have a job to introduce to me i'll thank you profusely and even give you a treat when i'm hired. however don't piss me off by asking me to work at changi village as a tranny or geylang as a duck cuz i swear i'll murder your family and torture you to death. thanks.
email me at , those who know my number just gimme a call. thanks. =)
bitter memories came stopping by.
fucking people i'm a fucking guy,
who dug 5 inches deeper to hide my tears and sighs.
breathing hard hoping to relieve,
secretly working in mischief.
gripping firmly to last bits of that tiny thread,
still thinking of, not stopping till i'm mad.
if i ever break down in my pool of blood and tears,
i suffered not a defeat but a lost.
struggling up i would not fear,
for death is with me, his only wish is me.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 . 3:45 PM
let me share this really interesting japanese fashion concept to the world. though i really like jrock and jrock is closely related to visual kei, i did not do my part my researching about the wacky fashion concept, hence had a big shock before finally understand it. "visual" is just visual and "kei" meant style, hence "visual style". visual kei(vk) bands like dir en grey and malice mizer generally dressed up heavily in costumes or eye catching suits. some members of the bands would cross dress. yes, cross dress. man transformed to women, not honour to show you two of the best cross dresser i've come across so far :
from top; yuki from raphael, and mana from malice mizer.
in other countries like japan or america, cross dressing is no big deal. however in singapore, people are so narrow minded that even when guys apply eyeliners or nail polish, they freaked out almost immediately. why the fuck is this? singaporeans are too conservative. too fucking conservative. and talking about fashion sense singaporeans have, it sucks totally. not daring enough to dress and often rockers in singapore not living up to their image. its time that we get brain-washed, away from all those shits we see in our eyes and start living physically through our minds. let our creativity run wild and let not conservativeness ruin our style. god bless our screwed up minds and fucked up fashion sense. hope conservativeness in singapore die out soon.
Monday, September 12, 2005 . 1:40 PM
i spent yesterday at one of my classmate's birthday bash chalet. wasn't really a wild one but fun certainly ran wildly through the night. had a couple of scorching whiskey drinks and many unhealthy doses of chicken parts and had a splendid time knowing more about my friends. wonderful bunch of guys!growing up in your tiny part of the world filled with hatred, untrust and jealousy, people who you can really relate with are rare and hard to come by. you feel grateful when they are there for you but hurt when you fall and was left there alone. you tend to take everyone for granted as they are there, made ready for you in your life. you did not make the first move to call them or to care for them but expect them to rotate swiftly around you. slowly you lost your contacts one by one. in the end you find yourself locking up your soul in a dark empty space where no one or nothing can reach you. numbness in your mind takes you away. plastering the gaps between them is like concealing wounds in your limbs. though friends come and go, but you can make true ones here to stay.

wandering and searching,
the socks i wanna wear,
cutting in silence,
dirty socks i tear.
who will listen to my endless sorrows,
flowers, birds i wouldn't trust.
still wandering and searching,
dried a tear and mending,
the dirty socks i tore.
though holes on toes i know,
i chose that piece at last.
Saturday, September 10, 2005 . 2:17 PM
sorry didn't write yesterday... i was playing dota(warcarft3) from 11.30am to about 12.15am. bet you don't believe it. lol. i myself don't believe it either. thanks to this boring holiday i had, not at all happening. could hurricane katrina visit singapore and cause some death please? i love to party in chaos.i woke up at about 1pm today, looking forward to this brand new day but realised later that i've got no plans for today... how am i gonna spend my time... just to inform you that 98.7fm will broadcast 1 hour our local music at 3.00pm every saturday. do tune in. appreciating local music will stimulate that tiny weeny brain cells of yours thus making you a little smarter.

i think i ought to take some pictures during my jamming sessions so that you all will get motivated enough to play music. heehee. i don't know when the next one will be as our idiotic bassist is having her exams. good luck kaori! coming to think of it, actually everything evolves around music. it affects the body, heart and soul. i never believe anyone doesn't listen to music. even geek gamers get the kick out of gaming music, which i heard tunes composed on halo 2 will be made into a cd. lol. oh my, i just love writing and writing.
views? please email me at or just scribble at the tagboard. helps on losing weight without exercising would be much appreciated. thank you and have a nice day!
Thursday, September 08, 2005 . 11:00 PM
okay. today had mine 3rd jamming session. it was crap i think. we play okok only. not tight enough. my drumming sucks. i felt too hyper active tonight. damn. kept on hitting extra notes. i dun wan this band to fail because of me. i have this feeling i'm always gonna screw up.drummer equals timing equals fucking stress. not only i have to keep the beats constant, i also have to remeber rolling parts. if anyone screw up is mainly because of me i think. because i think my timing not constant that's why will screw up. i really have no drumming talent. damn it. i feel so fucking shitty because this holidays are darn boring.
my freaking phone failed me. went dead. died in silence. fucking shitass. every bad things are happening to me. damn it. i have so no will to live now. fuck you shitasshole.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005 . 8:00 PM
my heart was filled with relieved when i handed over my last paper to the old turban invigilator. relieved that stressful revision periods are over. i'm looking forward to my class's chalet on sunday... whoo hoo! can drink and drink like an many of you still getting money from parents while having a holiday? well i do not. i'm happy to receive but they refuse to give. haha. so have to work during the holidays... damn i feel so lazy, i really don't feel like working but no other choice. i feel that this holiday will be fucking boring. my life's a dick! i hate it.
do not ask why i use vulgarities in my blog. it is part of life. why do your armpits stink? because it is part of life so learn to live with it. i have a fucking boring life. i have no life. i'm worse than a nerd who digs his books everyday. i don't even have anything to dig into. OMG.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005 . 6:15 PM

my razor blade.
Peel my skin,
make me scream.
Sink so deep,
make me weep.
Cut my flesh,
make me bleed.
Take my life,
set me free.

one more day before i can play like a fucking mad cow. yes, a mad cow. because only cow can contract mad disease. i'm looking forward to jam!!! i really miss playing drums... oh well... bad thing about holidays is no pocket money from parents, have to work to survive. if got any job please tell me ok?!?! i gonna go study for my last paper tommorrow. really hope all things end well. i need the holidays...... 23 more hours to my holiday... heehee! =)
Monday, September 05, 2005 . 6:48 PM

1) Love does not hurt. Physical and/or emotional abuse are not a part of love.
2) Love is not manipulative, it should not be used to get others to do what you want. You should never give in to demands based on the, "You would do it if you loved me!" tactic.
3) Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person. It can take many different forms (romantic, friendly, familial) but it is always about caring.
4) Although it is true that a big part of love is putting another person's happiness ahead of your own this never includes compromising your values or being untrue to yourself.
5) If somebody asks you to do something that you don't want to do in order to "prove" your love they do not love you the way you might think they do. When you love another person you don't ask them to sacrifice a part of themselves in the name of that love.
6) It is very easy to confuse lust for love. The true measure of romantic love is commitment and trust not physical attraction.
7) It is possible to feel romantic love for more than one person at a given time. Just think, if it is possible for you to love both of your parents at the same time why would it be impossible to feel romantic love for two people at once? Don't beat yourself up emotionally if you find yourself in this unhappy situation. But be sure to remain single and be open and honest with all parties about your feelings and confusion.
8) Sex is NOT love. Love is NOT sex. Sex can be a part of romantic love but it is never mandatory.
9) Romantic love can (and often does) fade. When it goes there is not always a reason. When somebody falls out of love with you it does not reflect upon your value as a person or your desirability.
10) Love should make you feel happy, secure and appreciated. lol. i went for my computer math exams today. in the 3 hour paper, i used only half of the time. it was so damn fucking easy! i didn't write much. hahaha ! actually i only did 1/10 of the paper, then used the rest of the time wet dreaming.
god, please bless me tommorrow and the day after tommorrow. i must pass the paper that i'm taking on the next both days. please please please bless me and guide me through. i promise i'll be good. amen*
Sunday, September 04, 2005 . 8:00 PM

Saturday, September 03, 2005 . 12:12 PM
you said blood was white and water was black,five six jokers hiding in a couple of decks.
one was crawling when said he was walking,
one seemed sleeping when he was really dead.
you could turned zebras into cannibals,
saints and angels into devils,
why not twist some texts and flip them,
turn it around and make me eat them.
my gelid way's a stygian sight,
you seemed copacetic about my daily plights.
You would naturally not think so flat a rogue could cozen me,
for i'm lucalent that white is white and black is black,
five six jokers laying dead in my couple of decks.
Friday, September 02, 2005 . 9:00 PM
went to school to study today. nothing else... yawnx. =(should i change my blog layout? like so hard to navigate ... lol.
Thursday, September 01, 2005 . 9:00 PM
had a great time today jamming with my jrock band! tried out "cage" by diru, "missing you" by glay and "lovesick" by siam shade. i think that we play cage really well and ok ok for "missing you" and "lovesick" although we just played "missing you" a couple of times.our new bassist, kaori is really good! she can play "cage" bass solo. salute her! lol. hmmm. we decided to change our band name to more neo-victorian type. haha. i don't know what's that. it's my guitarist's idea. next week's jamming, we'll try our very best to complete all the three covers.
we rock we rock we rock---------------------wooo hooo !
i cherished my jamming time. and now for the worst part of my life. exams! must slog in books til next wednesday. =( god bless me in this exams. i really need thy help as i've been missing all my lectures and not revising often enough. oh well. ~_~