Wednesday, August 31, 2005 . 9:00 PM
went to johor bahru today... just to eat sushi! omg. my gf's idea. i hate eating sushi. so here goes :bus ride to johor. narcissistic people.

people buying 4d or

city square. johor's best shopping centre.

we decided to have our sushi at -genki_sushi-


walking and window shopping. after that had a drink at basement. starting to have the narcissistic feeling again. =)

going back to singapore!

simple and short trip but it still rules! =P
Monday, August 29, 2005 . 12:00 PM
happy to share with you my drumming gear... i'm a lazy drummer. i rarely drumsticks.
left to right: zildjian travis barker signature series, ziljian 5a nylon tip, pro mark 5b american hickory.
where my sticks lay and rest. a gift from a friend.
last not least -> my pro mark practise pad where i practise rolls and rudiments on.
i previously had many drumsticks and a sabian practise pad before these. time past and finally know what suits me best. =)
Sunday, August 28, 2005 . 12:00 PM

good day! my name is allan. i'm an i.t student in temasek poly. love drumming and reading. greatest passion in life is music. been blogging since early august 05... my previous blog was this new blog is more dedicated to my life rather than my wild ambitions in music.
i love reading novels by dan brown and jk rowling, both well known authors. books made them millionaires! music is my biggest obsession. currently heavily into j~rock. had adored punk rock, emocore, hardcore and metal too. techno music is definitely out of my list. i hate watching horror movies as i don't learnt anything from them.
i'm a big dota(warcraft3) fan. anyone up for a game can email me at
tired fingers...more of me at my profile<-click it =)